
Gramophone iPod Station

I am absolutely in love with these Gramophone iPod/iPhone/iPad stations. These iVictrolas are "the proto-speaker system, repurposed for of-the-moment technology." What a wonderful design, modern and nostalgic at the same time. Avaliable at Anthropologie.

Bu Gramophone iPod/iPhone/iPad dock'larına bayıldım. Bu iVictrola hoparlör sistemleri bugünün teknolojisiyle yeni amaçlarını bulmuşlar. Ne kadar harika bir tasarım, hem modern hem de nostaljik. Anthropologie'den bulabilirsiniz.

* Photo via Anthropologie


  1. Bayıldım! Bir sonraki defa Amerika'dan gelirken valizine atarsın benim için bi tane, gayet ufaklar :PP

  2. Hi Basak...just want to say I really enjoyed your site..I did not know that Anthropologie had this last year...I want one :). Anyway, I also have a site at everything-art-related.blogspot.com, with some posts similar to yours. Looking forward to the Wish Lists,
